There are two types of goals.
- Short term (1 day to 1 month)
- Long term ( 1 month to 1 year)
Why should we set goals?
- Gain control of your life
- Focus your energy
- Shape your life in a positive way
- Build your self esteem
- Improve your overall health
How do you select your goals?
- What are your needs?
- What do you want or have interest in?
- What do you do well?
- What are your values?
Make an Action Plan
- Select one (1) goal to work on
- Make your goal specific
- List things you need to help you reach your goal
- Get help from others (that can help)
- Set a time period for reaching your goal
- Set checkpoints to check your progress
- Reward yourself for reaching your goal
Other guidelines for setting and reaching your goals:
- Choose goals that are good for you
- Don't be too hard on yourself
- It's O.K to change (Revise) your goals