Conflict Resolution: is the process of ending a conflict by
cooperating and problem solving together.
Tolerance is important in preventing conflict and promoting peace.
Tolerance: includes accepting others' differences and allowing
them to be who they are without expressing disapproval.
If you feel like a conflict can not be resolved by working together, there is the option of
Mediation: Is the process of specially trained people who
help other to resolve their conflict peacefully. This person should not know the people with the conflict to avoid being
Conflict is not always a bad thing. Disagreements can help solve some problems.
For example, think of a time when you worked with
a group on a class project. You may have had some disagreements. By talking about
them, you probably helped resolve your conflicts. Conflict is harmful when feelings
are hurt. It’s dangerous when it leads to VIOLENCE,
or the use of physical force to injure or abuse another person.
Be in Control
Knowing about anger and how to cope with it will
help you learn how to deal with conficts on a personal level